Packing List for International Students Going to Australia

Team JagVimal 19 May 2023 2849 views
packing list

A packing list might be difficult to put together, despite how happy you are to learn that your chosen institution has accepted you. A judicious choice and a realistic attitude to the usability of objects may prove advantageous, even if it might be hard to decide what to bring and what to leave behind. Even though the list of items to bring while travelling outside of India is sometimes lengthy, you may get by with just the bare necessities if you carefully consider them. Understanding all the items to pack for a trip overseas requires more than just common sense. It's difficult to move away from home and establish a life for a while overseas. Every international student should be aware of the need of making a pre-departure shopping list whether they are travelling to the UK, Canada, or any other place. There's much more to packing than stuffing your entire existence into a bag. Although packing seems simple, it is not, especially if you plan to stay in one place for years. Before you run out of time, allow us to explain the importance of packing each important item and present the ideal study abroad resource for Indian students.

Information Check

  • To minimise last-minute hassle, be aware of your airline's baggage policies and watch the weight of your bags.
  • Make a list of everything you wish to bring with you.
  • Make travel and lodging arrangements in advance.
  • For overseas students studying in Australia, check any Covid-related protocols that may apply and be aware of them.

Before You Start Packing

  • Keep up with the laws and guidelines established by the various nations' current travel limitations and protocols. Travelling to COVID-19 might be challenging, so be careful to plan ahead while following the rules for studying, travelling, and lodging.
  • Complete a COVID-19 test. Prepare the checklist for a 14-day quarantine, since certain nations, like Canada, emphasise a self-isolation period of 14 days.
  • Confirm your airline's baggage policies with them.
  • Make travel and lodging arrangements.
  • Make a list of what to bring.

Making Sure That International Students Have the Right Packing List for Australia

1.It would be helpful to find the appropriate luggage in advance and keep the luggage weight under control because international flights only let check-in bags weigh between 20 and 22 kilogrammes.

2.Among the chores that should be finished in advance are the following:

  • Preserving all of the documents digitally.
  • Putting together the necessary plans for the trip from home to the airport.
  • Some of the things are forbidden. The applicants should thus have this in mind.
  • It could be a good idea to use a baggage tag

3.Understand the distinction between carry-on and checked bags. International students must comprehend the distinction in order to properly pack. Several goods are prohibited from being packed in the checked luggage. Make sure you read the luggage limitations completely to prevent any confusion. It would be easier to decide what to think about and what to avoid with the aid of a well-planned study abroad guide for Indian students.

Packing List for International Students to Australia: Documents and Travel Guidelines

1.Travel Documents:

Your travel documents are the most important. For students to travel, board, and complete post-departure procedures, they will need the appropriate documentation. Additionally, keep a photocopy of each of your documents in a separate location so you have a backup in case one is lost. Additionally, it would make it simpler for the immigration services to get duplicate or replacement papers. The following are all the necessary travel documents:

  • Passport
  • Credit cards
  • Student visa
  • College admission proof
  • Train tickets
  • Flight ticket
  • Boarding pass
  • Student card
  • Accommodation proof
  • Enrollment confirmation
  • Health insurance proof


Foreign students should always have their medications available, especially if they are receiving medical attention. Make sure you have a sufficient supply of any recommended medications with you. It is conceivable that the same brand of medication is unavailable in the nation of origin. International students will receive aid from the local medical assistance team in the event of any such crises. Carry the prescription with you for future use. Among the common medications are paracetamol, analgesics, allergy medications, bandages, Dettol, etc.


Possession of some local money in the nation you are moving to is crucial. The two major credit cards, Visa and Mastercard, are now widely accepted worldwide. Foreign exchange bureaus, airport kiosks, and currency exchange offices make it simple to obtain local cash. Steer clear of any issues with the bogus currency given by phoney agencies. For a general understanding, read up on the fundamentals of the nation's currency. Make sure you have enough cash with you so you can pay for any roadside fees and requirements.

4.Electronic Devices:

Today, electronic gadgets are necessary. Devices including cell phones, computers, headphones, and tablets are essential when travelling. The most important item, though, would be a universal adaptor. This is due to the fact that outlets at hostels, lodging, and dorms will differ from those at home. It is advisable to make your purchases in advance because it would be tough to find anything once you get to your new nation. Universal adapters, cell phones, headphones, tablets, chargers, computers, USB cables, pen drives, and other items are among the necessities to bring. To prevent carrying a defective gadget, make sure that all of your electronic equipment is in good working order.


A hairbrush, hair comb, toothbrush, perfume, cosmetics, additional pairs of glasses, tissues, razors, masks, hand sanitizers, toothpaste, and face washes are a few of the essentials.


As many garments as possible should be packed by the students, who should also be informed of Australia's climatic conditions as well as its several seasons and their lengths. Jeans, hoodies, pyjamas, jackets, sweaters, lingerie, gym clothes, formal wear, mufflers, caps & hats, as well as accessories like heels, watches, and other timepieces, are some of the more popular apparel things to bring.

Important Tips Before Departure

  • Verify the passport's expiration date.
  • Invest in a fresh contact for Australia.
  • Check the list again.
  • Talk to the university officials.

Things to Consider Before Packing for Australia

Choosing what to carry in your luggage is crucial if you're a student planning to study abroad. For Indian students travelling overseas, it's crucial to start early planning and to make a packing list. Now, let's examine some items to bear in mind when preparing your luggage for a distant country:

1.Climatic Conditions of the Country:

The weather in the foreign nation you are visiting will have a major impact on how much you pack. Consider the fact that you will need to bring warmer clothing if you are visiting Canada, a place noted for its chilly climate.

2.Societal Environment:

Considering the nation you are visiting's liberal or conservative social atmosphere is usually a good idea. You should pack properly in order to blend in without standing out by keeping this in mind.

3.Duration of Your Stay in the Country:

It's possible that you won't need to worry too much about what you carry if your study session is rather short. However, you must be especially cautious and watchful when packing if you want to remain for a longer period of time.


Concentrate on clothing items that can be worn in a variety of ways. Making use of basic colours, which can be styled in a variety of ways, is one tip. For your preferred looks, include a few accessories like belts, jewellery, and scarves.

How to Not Over-pack?

We often overpack and overfill our luggage with items that we may not even need while we're there when preparing to go to another place. The following tips might help you solve this issue and choose what to bring with you when you leave India for trip abroad:

  • Early preparation and packing makes it much easier to determine what you may not need. Start thinking ahead and laying aside everything you will need as soon as possible.
  • Making a list and following it will help you cut out the unnecessary goods. Packing big, heavy stuff that might not be needed is not advised.
  • Research is important. Find out what can be purchased readily in the host country and what you should bring with you by connecting with other Indian students who are currently studying abroad.

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Our FAQ's

What should you not bring or pack when you go overseas to study?

Given that you are only allowed a specific amount of luggage weight, packing lightly and just taking what is absolutely necessary is advised. Be smart when you travel and stay away from superfluous goods like devices, bedding, inappropriate attire and footwear, books (go with e-books), and more.

Along with any official paperwork and personal belongings, students studying in Australia should also pack their OSHC card, which serves as their health insurance, as well as summer clothing, a warm coat, travel adaptors, and other stuff.

On foreign flights, students are permitted to bring 2 to 3 pieces of carry-on luggage, each weighing 23 kg. For students travelling overseas, several airlines may grant additional luggage allowance.

One should unquestionably get essentials like a portable charger, travel adapters for one's devices, refreshments for the journey, and other personal care supplies before departing on an international study trip.

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